Topographic Surveys
Topographic Impressions
With the right topographic drone footage we provide civil engineers, architects and surveyors with:
orthophoto maps,
Digital Surface Models,
Contour lines,
3d Meshes,
Point clouds,
With ground sample distance (GSD) from a few mm per pixel up to 5 cm per pixel.With RTK position accuracy (2-3 cm) and photostable (GCP) measurement on the ground.
Results are provided in both EGSA87 georeferenced raw files (.tif .las, .laz, .ply, .xyz, .shp, .dxf, .pdf, .fbx, .obj) and Autocad files (.dwg) or topographical diagrams, if required.
Topographic surveys
If you require a full survey, we can provide the following
Topographic surveys
Notarial acts & other legal acts.
Issuance of building permits.
Characterization of the forest office with a diagram included in the National coordinate network EGSA '87.
Installation study for Photovoltaic systems
Marking on the ground of plots - plots of land.
Application (drawing) of landscape/building lines.
Implementation on the ground of buildings-structures (foundation drawing).
Compilation of ratio charts & tables.
Subdivision of Properties into smaller even properties.
Architectural impressions: Plans, elevations of buildings and structures. Rendering of digital terrain models.
Property Delimitations
Marking on the ground of plot boundaries
Application (drawing) of street/building lines
Implementation on the ground of buildings-structures.

Creating an orthophoto map with a drone
An Orthophotomap or orthomosaic is a map (georeferenced image, usually .tif) which is created by processing hundreds of metric aerial photographs. Digital mapping captures the area of interest to us in two dimensions (vertically from above) and has a feature that no simple aerial photograph has on its own: It has a single scale.
By measuring a specific distance on the orthophoto map (in pixels or in centimeters if it is printed) we always find, consistently, an equally specific distance on the ground.
In order to get from the individual measurement aerial photographs to the final orthophoto map, we must have ensured that the shooting is done in a specific way, hundreds of aerial photographs are taken for each survey or from each inspection, while the process often needs to be assisted by the measurement of photostable points in the ground for high RTK accuracy (2-3 cm).
In the final result, any effect of the terrain morphology, the fact that each point on the ground has a different distance from the camera, as well as any distortion introduced by the aerial camera lens, has been eliminated.
The orthophoto map is delivered georeferenced to the coordinate system we want (e.g. EGSA87 or WGS84), with a resolution of a few millimeters to 5 cm/pixel (or as much as your specific project needs) and with centimeter position accuracy using an RTK receiver. It can form the background for topographical surveying, especially in hard-to-reach or hard-to-reach places.
You receive the orthophotomaps in EGSA87 georeferenced raw files (primarily .tif and/or kml if desired), while there is the option to receive a signed or unsigned topographical chart if required.
Attention: Simple stitching or panoramas are not orthophotos, orthomosaics or orthophotomaps.
Creating a Digital Surface Model with a drone
The digital surface model(Digital Surface Model)is a form of area map and can be created from aerial photographs taken by drones.
It also contains information about the height of each point, but does not contain color information.
When visualized then different colors define different altitudes. In the example below, in order the lowest point is dark blue, and in order of altitude, blue, green, yellow, orange, red follow.
In addition to its various uses in photogrammetry, it can also be used for titration.
When the constructions and vegetation are removed from the digital model, the digital terrain model (Digital Terrain Model-DTM) is obtained.
The Digital Models are delivered georeferenced to the coordinate system we want (eg EGSA87 or WGS84), with centimeter accuracy.
You receive DSM and DTM/DEM in EGSA87 georeferenced raw files (.tif for DSM and .tif .xyz, .las, .laz for DTM/DEM).

Creating iso-levels with a drone
Isosceles curves are curves on the ground where all points have the same elevation. They are useful because they allow a better understanding of the shape of the land surface. They can be created from aerial photos taken by a drone, in a specific way and after special processing.
In flat areas they have small values (e.g. per 0.5 m, 1 m, 2 m) while in areas with strong relief they are larger (e.g. per 5 m, 10 m, 20 m or 25 m).
The iso-heights are delivered georeferenced to the coordinate system we want (eg EGSA87 or WGS84), with centimeter accuracy.
You receive the iso-elevations in EGSA87 georeferenced raw files (.tif, .shp, .dxf, .pdf).
Point cloud creation with a drone
The point cloud(densified point cloud)is a set of points in 3D space, representing a building or a scanned or aerially photographed space.
Each point has its own color. The point cloud lends itself both to free observation from every possible side and angle, as well as to precision measurements or the creation of plans, elevations, sections and perspectives.
Two or more point clouds, from different times, generated with high position accuracy (2cm-RTK) can be exploited to derive volume measurements, such as measuring how many cubic meters of marble have been removed from a quarry, how many cubic meters of mineral raw materials have been removed from a mine or what is the volume of a salt pile in a salt flat.
The point cloud is delivered georeferenced to the coordinate system we want (e.g. EGSA87 or WGS84), with centimeter accuracy.
You receive the 3D point cloud in EGSA87 georeferenced raw files (.las, .laz, .ply, .xyz).

Create a 3D mesh with a drone texture

The 3D textured mesh(3D textured mesh)is an impression of the shape of the building or space consisting of peaks, edges and faces, with texture from the images (aerial photographs) projected onto them.
It is useful for 3D visualization, presentation and overview of a space, as well as for printing on 3d printers. It is created to look representative, to offer the possibility of a free overview from every possible side and angle, to be able to make a 3D plastic model on a 3D printer, but it is not suitable for measurements.
You receive the 3D Mesh in raw files (.ply, .fbx, .dxf, .obj, .pdf).